"If you read one investment book this year, make sure it’s ‘Clueless’ by Brian Dennehy. It opened my eyes and I’ve been involved in investing for nearly 30 years!"
JASON BUTLER, author of five personal finance books and columnist for the Financial Times“Brian Dennehy is a passionate commentator on investment. To advise his clients on how they should save he creatively blends theory, evidence and experience”.
PROFESSOR ELROY DIMSON, Cambridge Judge Business School, co-author of best seller Triumph of the Optimists“The importance of straightforward financial education has never been greater. ‘Clueless’ is a great place to start, providing an honest, clear and practical guide to investment decision-making. His engaging combination of historical analysis and behavioural psychology is delivered with the sense of perspective, and humility, provided by over 30 years’ investment experience.”
STEVEN ANDREW, Fund Manager, M&G InvestmentsMost investors don’t apply a well-founded winning formula. Brian provides just this, with detailed evidence of success versus the likes of Buffett and Woodford. Even more importantly, he lays out a clear process to help investors understand and overcome their biggest problems – themselves and their emotions. Brian is a highly respected industry veteran and on numerous occasions I have recommended both family and friends to him when financial wisdom is needed. Essential and very readable, I highly recommend this book."
MARK SHIPMAN, author of three international best sellers, including Big Money, Little Effort and The Next Big Investment Boom
Today's investor faces an uphill road. In 'Clueless', Brian Dennehy offers a helping hand up that road, helping the do-it-yourself investor to cut through an often impenetrable jungle of investment jargon toward a destination of clearer and better investment outcomes. Highly recommended, especially for the do-it-yourself investor."
TIM PRICE, fund manager and author of Investing Through the Looking Glass
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Chapter 1
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Chapter 8
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Chapter 24
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"Clueless" by Brian Dennehy
- How to make extraordinary profits from ordinary investment funds...
- ...when the majority simply aren't good enough
- An entertaining sweep across four centuries that helps explain how we got into this mess
- Practical solutions for DIY investors
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- Receive a FREE report on the "Best Funds of 2019" when you purchase the book here